

Dear Future Me,
    Something I wanna tell to my future self. Please don’t procrastinate like my present self. By the time, I hope you are having a stable job that you enjoy in Egypt. I hope you haven’t changed your mind about living in Egypt. Sometimes I keep thinking of continuing living in the United States after college. But I hope you are in your country because I don’t think you’ll be happier anywhere else in the world. I really hope you're in a happy and healthy marriage. You always liked the wrong boys in the past. And hopefully you learned how you cook, because right now you can’t even cook pasta. Please stop dying your hair, I bleached 6 different times, so make sure you take care of it very well. Currently you're in college and studying Advertising and Public relations. What I always wanted to work in is marketing for a fashion company so I hope you’ve reached that goal already. Currently we’ve been to 5 countries and I’ve wanted to travel around Europe and Asia so make sure you’ve accomplished that for both of us. Make sure you're taking care of yourself mentally and physically. I know I’ve always promised myself to eat healthier but always fail to do so. So I hope you can handle not eating junk food. 20 years from now I expect you to have two children that are probably in middle school by then. I hope they’re enrolled in BISC because it’s the best school in Egypt. Don't have more than 2 because we both know you won't be able to handle more than that. I’ve always wanted to live in Giza near the pyramids so I am hoping that you and your family got a nice house there. And most importantly make sure you take care of your parents.

Artist Statement:

    My country's beautiful history inspired me to do this image. As you can see i've mentioned in my letter that I want to have a house near the pyramids because they fascinate me. I am very proud of myself for being able to portray the major biggest architects in my country, the pyramids and the sphinx. This project is very personal to me because the letter to my future self, i've mentioned goals and hopes that I really want to come true in 20 years from now. I've set very realistic exceptions for myself in that letter. I will be looking at this 20 years from now and I hopefully it will bring a smile to my face knowing i've reached my goals. 
    Using Adobe Illustrator made it simple for me to accomplish my image. I added the original picture to the illustrator then I outlined the picture. I used the method click and drag which made it easier for me to outline the curves on the picture. I had to adjust the triangle multiple of times because it was hard to get it to look like the picture. I wanted to add details in the sphinx by adding it eyes and ears. It was tricky to do it at first but all I need it was to outline it precisely. For the color choice I picked sandy colors so it can match the desert look. I colored the two triangles different colors so It can act like a shadow. Same for the sphinx, as you can see I created a shadow my making the color inside a bit darker then the rest of it. 


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